A Comparative Study of the Speech Actions of One Hundred Love Letters by Nizar Ghobani and Forty Letters to My Wife by Nader Ebrahimi
Subject Areas : Literary criticism
Abdolbaset Arab Yousofabadi
Faezeh Arab Yousefabadi
foad abdolahzadeh
1 - Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Zabol University, Zabol, Iran
2 - أستاذة مشارکة في اللغة الفارسية وآدابها، جامعة زابل، زابل، إیران.
3 - university of zabol
Keywords: One Hundred Love Letters, Forty Letters to My Wife, Speech Actions, Nader Ebrahimi, Nizar Qabbani,
Abstract :
One Hundred Love Letters by Nizar Qabbani and Forty Letters to My Wife by Nader Ebrahimi are books that include letters written by the authors to their wives and published to the public. Such letters, because they are published for the general public, have the capacity to be examined in terms of structure, content and literary rhetoric. The purpose of this article is to compare the speech actions of these two works. The method used in this research is content analysis method and the content analysis unit is considered. Preliminary results indicate that the highest percentage of appearances in the book of 100 love letters is related to motivational actions and then emotional actions; Because Qabbani is often expressing his request for reunion and a reunion with his lost wife, Belqis, and he wants to show the depth of his feelings and affection to a wife who is not present in this world and in most cases is a transcendental figure. Found earthly, eternal and mythical. On the other hand, the highest percentage of appearances in the book Forty Letters to My Wife is related to emotional actions and then expressive actions; Because in these letters we are faced with a normal two-way marital relationship that despite their various emotional challenges, the relationship between husband and wife is their savior. In addition, the least used actions in both books are related to declarative actions and then accrual actions.