Cultural Globalization and linguistic creolization in Iranian and Algerian Novels: The Case Study of the novels 'Eshgh va Chizhāye digar' (Love and Other Things) and 'Mamlakat al- Farāsha' (Butterfly Kingdom)
Subject Areas : Literary criticismZahra Sadeghi 1 * , Kobra Roshanfekr 2 , Faramarz Mirzaei 3 , Khalil Parvini 4
1 - PhD Student in Arabic Language and Literature, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
4 - Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Globalization, linguistic creolization, the Iranian and Algerian novels, Eshgh va chizhāye digar, Mamlakat al- Farasha,
Abstract :
This research in the light of the developmental globalization theory and on the basis of the descriptive, analytic and comparative method, studies the problem of globalization and linguistic creolization in the novels 'Mamlakat al-Farasha' (Butterfly Kingdom) and 'Eshgh va Chizhāye digar' (Love and Other Things), because these are two examples of Iranian and Algerian narrative works that reflect more clearly the phenomenon of linguistic creolization. The results indicate that the phenomenon of linguistic crealization is caused by cultural globalization manifested in the narrative discourse of the novels Eshgh va Chizhāye digar and Mamlakat al- Farasha, in two types of nouns and sentences, but the creolization via nouns is the most prominent type of linguistic creolization which is manifested in these two novels. According to the data of statistical analysis, the component of change and distort the names of the characters with a sum of 33% and a frequency of 465, is the most used component in the novel 'Mamlakat al-Farasha'. Then, comes the component of recall and association of the names of famous foreign celebrities and characters with a sum of 25%, and a frequency of 352 leis in the next rank. But in the novel 'Eshgh va Chizhāye digar', the component of the names of lifestyle with a sum of 49%, and a frequency of 220 is the most used and most frequent component, then the component of changing and distorting the names of the characters lies in the next rank with a sum of 27% and a frequency of 122. This research shows also that the main difference between these two novels from the viewpoint of the linguistic creolization lies in the type of foreign language used, as well as the use of changed and distorted names by the writer, so that Aʽraj emphasized mostly on the of the French language, while Mastur emphasized on the use of the English language but didn't dealt with the names changed and distorted as much as Aʽraj did.
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