A Jungian Archetypal Criticism of 'adrakha al-nessian' (Overtaken by Oblivion) by Sana al-Sha'lān
Subject Areas : Literary criticismSamaneh Moosapoor 1 , Yusef Hadi pour 2 * , Sayyed Ebrahim Arman 3
1 - PhD Student in Arabic Language and Literature, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran
Keywords: Sanaa al-Sha'lan, Psychological Criticism, Arabic literature, oblivion caught her, contemporary Arabic novel, archetypes, Jung,
Abstract :
Archetypal criticism of Jung is one of the most important contemporary literary criticisms. Archetypes were first presented by Carl Gustav Jung, with reliance on the research in the fields of psychology, anthropology, religion, and history of civilizations. Jung defines archetypes as the universal mental images existing within the individual and collective sub-conscience and named their representations as the myth. The novel 'adrakha al-nessian' (Overtaken by Oblivion) is written using postmodern techniques and includes literary techniques such as: stream of consciousness, impressionism, and traveling in time. This novel narrates the story of a young red hair and red face girl, who has been raised in a nursery from the very beginning. As the story progresses, she faces many problems and, in the end, the author depicts her at the age of 60. By reading this story, we notice the obvious presence of many psychological aspects. Al-Sha'lan's works have always been included within the list of best literary works in both national and international ceremonies, and we can also witness the existence of archetypes within this novel. This paper, using the descriptive-analytic method and the psychological criticism approach, tends to examine the archetypes effective in the mentioned novel. As the results demonstrate, archetypes such as: Anima, the old sage, and self, have affected the flow of occurrences in this novel, helping to create the proper form and theme of narration.
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