Semiotics of the codes of nationalist poems of Badawi jabal Case study: Aesthetic, temporal and spatial codes, personality psychology
Subject Areas : Literary criticismSakineh Hosseini 1 * , AliRedha Mohammad Redhaei 2 , Naser Ghasemi 3
1 - PhD Student in Arabic Language and Literature at Farabi Campus, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Farabi Campus University of Tehran, Qom, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Farabi Campus, University of Tehran, Qom, Iran
Keywords: codes, Semiotics, Badawi jabal, nationalist poems,
Abstract :
Semiotics is to study sign systems within the social life. Its task is to search for the hidden meanings of all sign systems, both linguistic and non-linguistic. This research tries to study the most important codes of nationalist poems of Badawi Jabal through a descriptive-analytical approach and in the light of semiotic analysis, because they have meanings and significations that seem useful in studying the text of the poem, recognizing the thoughts and opinions of the poet. The poet was able to show his nationalist poetry effectively by using semiotic codes that give a special beauty to his poetry. Aesthetic codes such as metaphor, simile, irony and exaggeration, time and place, and personality and Qur'anic psychology are among the most important things that the poet uses. Their repetition in Badawi's poetry is not arbitrary, but is due to his intellectual stance towards life and existence. By using them, he creates signs that deepen the reader's feeling towards the codes. It is worth noting that this is a brief and selective review, because it is not possible to review a large number of these samples. One of the most important results of the research is that by using these cases, the poet intends to express concepts such as love for the homeland, pride in the past heritage, pains of the Arab nation, return to the homeland, problems of the land, emotions and spiritual experiences. Through the creation of literary images, he has given dynamism to his poetry and freed them from the shackles of the explicit meanings of words in symbolic meanings.
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