The analysis of narrative time in Sahar Khalifeh's Hobbi al-Awwal (My First and Only Love), according to Gerard Genette' structuralist theory
Subject Areas : Literary criticism
Hamideh Souri Mostafa
Babak Farzaneh
1 - translater arabic to pershian of islamic culture and Relatinse Organisation
2 - Professor
Keywords: Stream of consciousness, Sahar Kalifa, Time sequence, Gerard Genette, Hobbi al-Awwal (My First and Only Love), Time structure, Time rhythm,
Abstract :
Time is one of the main structural elements upon which stories are formed. In classics, time structure relied on a logical and causal relationship, but along with the changes in reality, time movement was subjected to the changes. The writers benefited from this element in their narrative objectives and decided to experience other forms of the time. This attitude caused to leave sequential time and disagreement between narrative and story times. The difference between two times is made in contemporary novels by the sequence and rhythm techniques. Sahar Khalifeh retells history of Palestine through a love story in Hobbi al-Awwal (My First and Only Love), by returning to the past. Adopting a descriptive-analytical method, this research examines time structure in the novel without attention to the concept of repetition on the basis of Genette's narrative time, and through temporal distances between the story and narrative, by using a descriptive-analytic method. The time structure of the novel due to the interference between the present and the past is scattered. This is formed by various techniques for strengthening the story's objectives, which either accelerate or decelerate the narrative and include summary, deletion, stream of consciousness, internal dialogue and rendition, making time longer in some scenes and shorter in some others.
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