Optimism in Motenabbi's panegyrics from Seligman psychological viewpoints
Subject Areas : Literary criticismKobra Safari 1 , Hassan Shavandi 2 *
1 - PhD student of Arabic Language and Literature, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran
2 - Assistant professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran
Keywords: Motenabbi's panegyrics, Seligman, Psychological Approach, Optimism, Motenabbi,
Abstract :
In the second half of the 20 century Martin Seligman, American psychologist, proposed a new look to psychology. In his new approach, the psychologists focus on the half full part of the glass instead of its half empty part and illuminate dark points of the mind and psych by developing available capabilities of individuals. In this approach optimism is of two kinds: innate and explanatory. In innate optimism individual sees every future thing optimistic and justifies them for the sake of escape. But in explanatory optimism the individual ascribes the success to inner mental forces and causes. Knowing this psychological approach, the writers of this article led to search this outlook in Arabic poetic literature in order to deal with optimism in Motenabbi's panegyrics from Seligman psychological viewpoints in an interdisciplinary format and with the hypothesis that Motenabbi enjoyed an optimistic outlook in his poems. In this way the above mentioned hypothesis is solved by library studies and data gathering and the question of optimism in Motenabbi's panegyrics is answered from Seligman psychologic approach and ultimately the article reaches to two inate and explanatory optimism in Motenabbi's Divān (collected poems)
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