The stone children image the first intifada Palestine in the poetry of Nizar Qobbani the case of study (triple stone children)
Subject Areas : Literary criticismMoosa Arabi 1 , zahra Sohrabikia 2 *
1 - Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature at Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran;
2 - MA in Arabic Language and Literature at Kashan University, Kashan, Iran;
Keywords: stone children, the first intifada, intifada, stone revolution, Nizar Qobbani,
Abstract :
After the bitter failure of the Arabs against Zionist regime, Nizar Kabbani wrote against the Zionist regime and censured the Arab diplomats and he joined to Intifada. He composed protesting songs for the children who have stones in their hands. and named them the pioneers of the intifada. This research according to descriptive method tries to analyze The countenance of children of the stones of the first intifada of Palestine in Nizar Kabbani’s poems exactly in The Trilogy of the Children of the Stones. It considers how these children perform their role and show their countenance in resistance. The most important conclusion is that, their countenance unmask the heavy defeat of Arab men against the Zionist and negligence of Arab society in Palestine history. They are shown like characters who do jihad, protest, fight and die for holey purposes in contradicting men who are traitors, pensioners and just do something for business. Children who illuminate the Arabic language, identity and name. They urge others by hope and light. They destroy the absurd Arabic songs and give new and fresh identity and meaning to them.
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