Representations of Hybridity in Saud al-Sanousi’s 'sāq al-bāmbo' (The Bamboo Stalk), Based on Dialogism
Subject Areas : Literary criticismShahriar Niazi 1 * , Fatemeh Aaraji 2
1 - Associate Professor of Arabic Language and Literature at Tehran University,
Tehran, Iran;
2 - Ph.D in Arabic Language and Literature at Tehran University, Tehran, IRAN;
Keywords: Identity, culture of difference, Hybridity, dialogism, Michael Bakhtin,
Abstract :
Narration is a cultural product that means in the frame of relation. Narration is a conversational phenomenon that has not any existence outside conversational and relational framework. 'sāq al-bāmbo' (The Bamboo Stalk) is represented in a cultural atmosphere accompanied with considerable capacity of expansion for this novel to be a convincing literary creation. In such a way that it can courageously manifests all inconsistencies and disintegrations of different individuals of every society. This novel could depict multiplicity by pushing aside barriers, while it talks of a variant cultural space that the consciousness of new novelists are off springs of that space. This novel concerns of escaping from monologue and provides a text in which voices and dimensions are plural. Meanwhile, the open end of the novel, plurality of voices and diversity of viewpoints, are all preparations for the main character of the novel. A personage who spoke of his wandering and parallels himself to bamboo tree. The novel is interesting because it formed in a cultural-combinatory arena to announce explosion of inconsistencies that are the main characteristics of its connotation; specially, we see that this novel ridicules mono-dimensionalism. The narration of the novel in a protesting combination wants to remove those magnifications that drown people's voices and kills every chance of growth. So, this article tries to deal with the forbidden angles entered this novel, so that we realize how a novel aims at old traditions in Arabic societies. This article, relies on dialogism, follows this aim that how representations of hybridity manifest themselves in the main personage of the novel.
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