Examining the worldly evolution of man from Mulla Sadra's point of view
Subject Areas : Intellectual explorations
zainab Darvishi
marjan askaribabadi
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Ahvaz Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran
2 - Marjan Asgari Babadi, PhD Student, Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran.
Keywords: Perfection, perfection, virtue, vice, happiness, breath,
Abstract :
.The current research, with a descriptive-analytical method, seeks to answer and analyze the question "What is the worldly evolution of man according to Mulla Sadr?" and what the authors have reached as a result of this research is that from Sadra's point of view, man is moving towards perfection according to his nature, the evolution of man in the world from the very beginning of his creation and existence to the end of his physical existence and entering into ecstasy. Purgatory includes the beginning of human evolution in purgatory and the end of human evolution in the world. Sadra considers man to be a creature with degrees of development and shows the evolution of man's existence by using essential movement. According to him, evolution is the movement from imperfection to perfection, and evolution in the world is considered to be the cultivation of virtues and properties. brought; It is by cultivating the soul that a person can reach the status of sanctity and useful intellect. Mulla Sadra believes that the true happiness of man is in the group of theoretical and practical perfection of man, who attains true happiness as a result of pure actions and deeds and purification from evils, as well as with the help of thinking and investigating intellectual matters. The levels of human evolution begin with the physical occurrence and then, an exemplary material existence, and in the continuation of the evolution in purgatory, it may also become an intellectual existence. He enumerates the factors that exist in the world for the evolution of man, and also considers the goal of man to be true happiness. He believes that evolution continues in purgatory. So, as a result, the world of purgatory is the continuation of the world with a difference.
فهرست منابع :
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