Assistance Tradition and its Various Types in Holy Quran
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran Fadak
1 - Assistant professor, Faculty member, Allameh Tabatabaei University
Keywords: قرآن کریم, سنت, مهدویت, tradition, Holy Quran, سنت امداد, انواع امداد, Assistant tradition, Tradition types,
Abstract :
Divine traditions are the ways and methods that human and world's issues are managed based on by Great Lord. One of the most important Divine traditions is Assistance tradition. According to the mentioned tradition, Great Lord assists all His creations – good or bad – to achieve their goals and making their dreams come true. Various Verses have been descent in this regard. Other traditions also are pointed out in Holy Quran which can be known parallel with the abovementioned tradition because of the existing commonalities. The present research – which is done with librarian method with descriptive – analytical approach – not only considers two concepts of tradition and its various types but also studies parallel ones. Finally the outcomes of believe in assistance tradition are studied in which the exact nature of this Divine tradition would be clarified.
کتب عربی
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