Explaining the future scenarios of banking industry brand credit with a future research approach
Subject Areas :Hossein Zolfaghardehnavi 1 , Mehdi Mohammadzadehvashan 2 * , Hossein Hakimpour 3 , Hamid Rezaeifar 4
1 - PhD Student, Department of Business Management, Birjand Branch, Islamic Azad University
2 - ssistant Professor, Department of Management, Birjand Branch, Islamic Azad University
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Birjand Branch, Islamic Azad University
4 - Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Birjand University
Keywords: Banking industry, Brand Credibility, future research approach, situation on the verge of crisis,
Abstract :
As the market conditions become more competitive in the banking industry, loyal customers are considered as the main capital. The reputation of the brand and its specialization play a significant role in creating customer loyalty. In this regard, the future research was conducted with the aim of identifying and explaining the future scenarios of brand credibility in the banking industry with a quantitative-qualitative combined approach. The methodology governing the research is descriptive-analytical. The required inputs have been collected by library and field methods and have been analyzed using Mic Mac, Scenario Wizard, Vensim and Shannon's entropy model. The results of the research showed that out of the eighteen possible situations related to five scenarios with strong compatibility, the situations that express the future scenarios of the brand credibility of the banking industry on the verge of the crisis include the most possible possible situations. Based on this, the solution of providing financial facilities according to the customer's needs by using up-to-date technologies and deeper knowledge of the customer was recognized as the most appropriate solution from the experts' point of view.