• Madadian.Fatemeh The investigation of scholar librarians role in providing information resources of Nursing and Midwifery Students projects in Hamadan University of Medical Sciences [ Vol.11, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • mohamadalipour.narges Attitude of State and Islamic Azad universities' students toward the master's degree Syllabus in Knowledge and Information Sciences in the minor of Information Management [ Vol.11, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • Moradinia.Safar Study of the relationship between organizational learning and empowerment of librarians of public library of Markazi province [ Vol.11, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1397]
  • mousavi.seyedeh somayeh relationship between cultural intelligence and entrepreneurial characteristics of university librarians a case study: Mashhad Academic libraries [ Vol.11, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1397]