Analysis of pluralistic methodology and tools in research papers of FaslnameKetabe Iran from 1385 - 1389
Subject Areas : Journal of Knowledge Studies
Firoozeh Dokhani
Atefeh Zarei
fahimeh babalhavaeji
1 - PHD student of knowledge and Information science in Azad university
2 - Faculty of Azad university of Hamadan
3 - Faculty knowledge and Information science in Azad university
Keywords: pluralistic methods, pluralistic tools, research papers, FaslnameKetab Iran,
Abstract :
Purpose: The purpose of this research is analysis of pluralistic methodology and tools in research papers of FaslnameKetabe Iran from 1385 _ 1389. and discussion communication of them to gather and with articles ‘ author. Methodology: This article is performed by using content analysis method and. The population was 161 of articles in FaslnameKetabe. Findings: Among161 research papers only 59 cases (36.46%) have benefited of pluralistic methodology and 12 cases (7.4%) of pluralistic tool.So can be said that in this papers pluralistic method and tool have been used very little. Conclusion : According to the results of Kay square test there is a significant relationship between pluralistic method and tool. While, there isn’t significant relationship between authors’ grade in charge of science and education and selection of used methods and tools in research.
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