Comparison of the Internet searching information-seeking behavior of engineering students at Dezful Islamic Azad University with Kuhlthau's Information Seeking Model.
Subject Areas : Journal of Knowledge StudiesSamaneh Sadat Ghazi Dezfuli 1 * , zahed bigdeli 2
1 - Master of Library and Information- Public librarian city of Dezful-
2 - Professor - Ph.D. Library - martyr Chamran University faculty member and professor of Khuzestan Science and Research
Keywords: Dezful Islamic Azad University, Kuhlthau’s information-seeking behavior, the Internet, engineering students,
Abstract :
Objective: This research attempted to compare the feelings and behavior of students in various engineering fields at Dezful Islamic Azad University on the Internet saerching based on Kuhlthau's Information-Seeking Model. Methodology: This research is of a descriptive type and the method is survey and data has been collected through a questionnaire. The sample students were selected through random sampling method which consisted of 340 students from seven engineering fields. Data analysis included descriptive statistics (Frequency and percentage) and analytical statistics (Chi-Square Test). Findings: Findings of this research showed that most students experienced many stages of Kuhlthau’s information-seeking model. That is, when searching information on the Internet, students experienced the second, the fourth, the fifth, and the sixth stages of that Model, and their feelings were the same as those mentioned in Kuhlthau’s model. Conclusion: The results of revealed that male and female studentsshow a significant differences in information- seeking the six stages of Kuhlthau’s information-seeking model; so that, male students more experienced the second, the fourth, and the sixth stages of this Model when searching the Internet. Also, students needed librarians help during the stages 1, 3, 2, 5, respectively.
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