Evaluation of Awareness and use University of Medical Sciences Librarians of full-text database available in the home page of the Central Library of the university in 1390
Subject Areas : Journal of Knowledge StudiesShohreh Seyyed Hosseini 1 , Mohammad javad alemokhtar 2 , Fatemeh Anari 3 *
1 - MSc, Knowledge and Information Science, Bushehr University of Medical Sciences, Bushehr, Iran
2 - MSc, Knowledge and Information Science, Health information Technology Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran
3 - MSc, Knowledge and Information Science, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
Keywords: awareness, full text databases, Librarians, Usability, homepage, Central library, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences,
Abstract :
Purpose: This research aimed to investigate the awareness and the usage of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences librarians who used the existing full-text databases in the homepage of the central library website. This study tried to find the problems and barriers which resulted in the difficulties in using these databases as well as providing some new approaches to disseminate more and more information to the end users by librarians. Methodology: Survey method, with applied approach, was used as a research method. The population was all employed librarians of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences libraries. Researcher-made questionnaire was used as a data-collecting tool and SPSS 16.0 used to analyze data. Central and scatter index statistics has been used to answer the research questions. Findings: The findings showed that the average scores of the librarians’ familiarity with full text electronic databases was 51.52 (Std Deviation=26.4). T-test indicates that there was not any significant difference between the awareness score and the sexuality as well as the usability score and the sexuality; but there was a significant difference between the awareness score and the rate of the usability of full text databases. Also the spearman correlation showed that there was a direct significant difference between the education levels of the librarians and their awareness, familiarity and usability scores. In this case, Elsevier had the highest rank among English databases. Conclusion: The results showed that the rate of the awareness and the usage of the existing full-text databases by Isfahan University of Medical Sciences was more than average. It can be seen that the librarians’ sexuality didn’t have any impact on their awareness and usages but there was a significant difference between their academic disciplines and their usages and awareness. The highest rate of the awareness and usages belonged to the domestic databases. It can be concluded that there was a positive relationship between the periods of awareness of librarians toward these databases and their usages.
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