Design and Construction of a Device for Integrating the Evaluation of Different Types of Memory and Learning Egocentric and Allocentric Orientation for Mice
Subject Areas :Melika naderi 1 * , mohammad reza bigdeli 2
1 - Farzanegan One High School, Tehran (second year), Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Medical Physiology, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract :
Inroduction & Objective: For many years, behavioral research derived from neural networks has always had a special place. Because cognitive and behavioral assessment is the basis of all electrophysiological and molecular studies and should be somehow related to behavioral studies. The purpose of this design and construction is to simultaneously integrate and evaluate animal model behaviors in one device. Material and Methods:Studying animal models has been crucial for gaining insight about the structure and function of the nervous system. For investigating behavioral tasks, scientists need to design or choose a box containing each stimulus they want to check. The advantage of this experiment as opposed to most others is the use of different types of memory and learning in addition to Egocentric and Allocentric navigation. The experiment is a multi-path water maze wherein through each path different factors are examined. Three platforms are situated in the maze. Upon the mouse entering the two paths, one covered with mirrors the other containing a ball, moving platforms are activated and the final platform becomes accessible with a sound effect after the paths have been traversed. When the platforms are elevated, a dim light is turned on. After the mouse has stood on a platform for a few seconds the platform moves and drops the mouse back in the water. When the mouse tries to enter the secondary path, a flashing light appears to prevent it from doing so. Through the experiment, spatial cues have been placed to differentiate directions. Results: Instinctive memory and latent learning of the mouse are evaluated in the watery environment, its semantic memory through the identification of moving platforms, and procedural and associative memory through finding the link between maze sensors and conditioning on the lights. The multifunctional nature and unique complexities of the proposed experiment, will allow the researcher to evaluate the aforementioned factors.
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