Histomorphology of spleen, liver, and pancreas of Calandra Lark
Subject Areas :Mehrdad Molai 1 * , Jalil Pourhaji Motab 2
1 - Graduated from Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar branch, Garmsar, Iran
2 - Assistant professor. Department of Veterinary Medicine, Garmsar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar, Iran.
Keywords: Calandra Lark, spleen, histomorphology, liver, pancreas,
Abstract :
Spleen, liver and pancreas are important in mammals and birds respectively because of the largest organ of lymphatic system, body's largest gland and digestive secretions. The aim of this study was to investigate structural features of the above organs in Calandra Lark. Twenty male and female Calandra larks were randomly selected and their liver, pancreas, and spleen were studied morphologically Subsequently, tissue samples of three males and three females were obtained and samples were stained using hematoxylin and eosin method. Liver has two lobes in all Calandra Larks, including right lobe and left one. Posterior edge of left lobe is lack of incision and isn’t divided into two pieces. The spleen is in the form of straightforward to curved bar in brown-red colour and is located in posterior part of the visceral surface of left lobe of liver. Pancreas is a long organ which is located between ascending and descending arms of duodenum and it is composed of two lobes. Gleason capsule doesn’t penetrate into liver's parenchyma; hence, lobule of tissue is unknown. A connective muscle capsule surrounds spleen, but trabeculae branches of it don't penetrate into the parenchyma. Outside of parenchyma, a very delicate capsule of loose connective tissue covers pancreas. Very delicate and short blades of the capsule are penetrated into the gland and it is divided into lobules. The results indicate that liver, spleen, and pancreas of Calandra lark have many similarities to Fringillidae, particularly Turdus merula
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