• Abdollahi poor.Mahid Analyzing the Meaning of Faḍaḥikat in the Verse 71 of Surah Hūd in Interpretations and Persian and Latin Translations Based on a Historical and Comparative Study [ Vol.28, Issue 73 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Akbari.Amidreza Secret Nusayrī beliefs in al_Hidayah al_Kubra [ Vol.28, Issue 71 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Akhavan Tabasi.Mohammad Hosein Historical Semantics of the Word "Rizq" in the Holy Qur’an [ Vol.28, Issue 73 - Winter Year 1401]
  • alimohammadi.mohammad The Qur'an's encounter with slavery in the linear path of descent [ Vol.28, Issue 71 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Amini.Seddighe Analysis and Criticism of the Views of Sunni Commentators in Different Centuries Regarding the Explanation of the Concept of Mawddat of Dhi al-Qurbá [ Vol.28, Issue 73 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Aram.Mohammad Reza Analysis and Criticism of the Views of Sunni Commentators in Different Centuries Regarding the Explanation of the Concept of Mawddat of Dhi al-Qurbá [ Vol.28, Issue 73 - Winter Year 1401]


  • Etrat Doust.Mohammad Validation of Hadith Sources Using the Thematic Analysis Method (A Case study of the Book Kifāyatul Athar) [ Vol.28, Issue 72 - Autumn Year 1401]


  • Faezi.Mohammad Recognizing the concept of "mixing" in the ancient books of rijal of Imamiya and investigating its effect on the validation of narrators [ Vol.28, Issue 71 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Fakherzad.Alireza Text(Nass) on Imamate before the Great Occultation [ Vol.28, Issue 71 - Summer Year 1401]
  • fazel bakhshayesh.mohsen Re-Examination of the Beginning Month of the Lunar Year Based on Quranic-Hadith Culture and Historical Sources [ Vol.28, Issue 72 - Autumn Year 1401]


  • Gahari.sayed Mostafa Validation of Hadith Sources Using the Thematic Analysis Method (A Case study of the Book Kifāyatul Athar) [ Vol.28, Issue 72 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • gheidar.maryam • Analyzing the Scholars Opinions of Rasm al-Muṣḥaf in Ancient Masāḥīf: Case Study Muṣḥaf Number 1 of Āstān Quds Razavi Library (Muṣḥaf Attributed to Imam Ali (as)) [ Vol.28, Issue 73 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Gholamrezaii.Hadi A Historical Analysis of Views on the Role of Ḥajjāj ibn Yūsuf Thaqafī in Establishing the Final Text of the Holy Qurʾan [ Vol.28, Issue 72 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Ghorbani.Hamzeh The role of history and geography in interpreting and deciphering of Surah Saba verses # 18-19 [ Vol.28, Issue 71 - Summer Year 1401]


  • Haj Esmaeeli.Mohammadreza Review and Critique of the article "Some Proposed Emendations to the Text of the Koran" by James Bellamy [ Vol.28, Issue 71 - Summer Year 1401]
  • hamidi.saeeid The historical approaches of the Prophet's migration (pbuh) in explaining the social and political components of the civilization of the Qur'an [ Vol.28, Issue 71 - Summer Year 1401]
  • hemati.mohammadali Analyzing the Meaning of Faḍaḥikat in the Verse 71 of Surah Hūd in Interpretations and Persian and Latin Translations Based on a Historical and Comparative Study [ Vol.28, Issue 73 - Winter Year 1401]


  • Irvani Najafi.Morteza A study of the historical course of Salafi beliefs in intrinsic monotheism with a focus "aisar AL-tafasir lklam AL-ali AL-kabir" [ Vol.28, Issue 71 - Summer Year 1401]


  • keshavazi.vafadar Analyzing the Meaning of Faḍaḥikat in the Verse 71 of Surah Hūd in Interpretations and Persian and Latin Translations Based on a Historical and Comparative Study [ Vol.28, Issue 73 - Winter Year 1401]
  • khooran.mahmood Investigation of not mentioning the name of Imam Ali (as) in the Holy Quran "From the perspective of the divine test” , Based on the teachings of the Qur'an and hadiths [ Vol.28, Issue 71 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Khoshdel Mofrad.Hosein Critical Analysis of the Principles and Rules of Marking Mus'hafs in the Islamic World (Case Study: Short Sound Signs) [ Vol.28, Issue 71 - Summer Year 1401]
  • khoshmanesh.Abolfazl Study and Critique of Anal Historicism Approach in Arkoun’s Quranic Opinions [ Vol.28, Issue 73 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Kouchnani.ghasemali Text(Nass) on Imamate before the Great Occultation [ Vol.28, Issue 71 - Summer Year 1401]


  • lali.masoud Examining the approach of Fakhrazi's implicit denial in determining the examples of Imamate verses in comparison with the historical course of interpretations before Tafsir Kabir [ Vol.28, Issue 71 - Summer Year 1401]


  • mansouri.mohammadhadi Re-Examination of the Beginning Month of the Lunar Year Based on Quranic-Hadith Culture and Historical Sources [ Vol.28, Issue 72 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • marefat.mohammad Historical transformation on why and how to recognize the first lost hadith sources [ Vol.28, Issue 71 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Mohammadi Anvigh.Mojtaba The Function of the Early Meccan Surahs along with Historical and Intellectual Evidences in Understanding the Quality of the Prophet’s Invitation at the Beginning Years of His Mission [ Vol.28, Issue 72 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Mohammadi Ashnani.Ali Investigation of not mentioning the name of Imam Ali (as) in the Holy Quran "From the perspective of the divine test” , Based on the teachings of the Qur'an and hadiths [ Vol.28, Issue 71 - Summer Year 1401]
  • mousaeipour.mahbubeh A Look at the Interpretation of Nasīʾ with the Help of Calendrology [ Vol.28, Issue 73 - Winter Year 1401]
  • muosavinasr.alireza A study of the historical course of Salafi beliefs in intrinsic monotheism with a focus "aisar AL-tafasir lklam AL-ali AL-kabir" [ Vol.28, Issue 71 - Summer Year 1401]


  • Nejatbakhsh azadani.Alireza Review and Critique of the article "Some Proposed Emendations to the Text of the Koran" by James Bellamy [ Vol.28, Issue 71 - Summer Year 1401]


  • Ohadi.Morteza Historical Semantics of the Word "Rizq" in the Holy Qur’an [ Vol.28, Issue 73 - Winter Year 1401]
  • oveysi.kamran Re-Examination of the Beginning Month of the Lunar Year Based on Quranic-Hadith Culture and Historical Sources [ Vol.28, Issue 72 - Autumn Year 1401]


  • Pourhasrat Shilsar.Nabiallah Hadith and Historical Criticism of the Orientalist views on the Emergence of Shi’a [ Vol.28, Issue 73 - Winter Year 1401]


  • Rabbani Mousavian.Seyed Ali Examining the approach of Fakhrazi's implicit denial in determining the examples of Imamate verses in comparison with the historical course of interpretations before Tafsir Kabir [ Vol.28, Issue 71 - Summer Year 1401]
  • rabbanikhah.ahmad The Qur'an's encounter with slavery in the linear path of descent [ Vol.28, Issue 71 - Summer Year 1401]
  • radan.soghra Historical Study of the Interpretation of the Covenant Verse from the Beginning of Islam to the Age of Seyed Haider Amoli [ Vol.28, Issue 72 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • rahimloo.abbas Analyzing the Historical Discourse of the Qur'an of the Title Maqām Ibrāhīm [ Vol.28, Issue 73 - Winter Year 1401]
  • razavi.seyyed mohammad A Historical Analysis of the Phenomenon of Antinomianism among Islamic Sects and Intra-Religious Currents [ Vol.28, Issue 72 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Rezaei Kermani.Mohammad Ali A study of the historical course of Salafi beliefs in intrinsic monotheism with a focus "aisar AL-tafasir lklam AL-ali AL-kabir" [ Vol.28, Issue 71 - Summer Year 1401]
  • roohi.kavous A Historical Analysis of Views on the Role of Ḥajjāj ibn Yūsuf Thaqafī in Establishing the Final Text of the Holy Qurʾan [ Vol.28, Issue 72 - Autumn Year 1401]


  • sadeghpoor.ghasem A Look at the Interpretation of Nasīʾ with the Help of Calendrology [ Vol.28, Issue 73 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Saemi.Marziyeh A Historical Analysis of the Phenomenon of Antinomianism among Islamic Sects and Intra-Religious Currents [ Vol.28, Issue 72 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Sharifi.Ali Study and Critique of Anal Historicism Approach in Arkoun’s Quranic Opinions [ Vol.28, Issue 73 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Sharifinasab.Hamed Analysis of the Theory of Taṣrīf in the Field of Collecting the Qurʾan in the Era of the Caliphs [ Vol.28, Issue 72 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Shirzad.Muhammad Hassan The Role of Kinship in Providing Security from the Viewpoint of Holy Quran Based upon Historical Anthropology [ Vol.28, Issue 71 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Shirzad.Muhammad Hussein The Role of Kinship in Providing Security from the Viewpoint of Holy Quran Based upon Historical Anthropology [ Vol.28, Issue 71 - Summer Year 1401]
  • sobhani.alireza Critical Analysis of the Principles and Rules of Marking Mus'hafs in the Islamic World (Case Study: Short Sound Signs) [ Vol.28, Issue 71 - Summer Year 1401]


  • Tavakoli.mohsen The role of history and geography in interpreting and deciphering of Surah Saba verses # 18-19 [ Vol.28, Issue 71 - Summer Year 1401]
  • tavanai sere dini.mohamad hosein Hadith and Historical Criticism of the Orientalist views on the Emergence of Shi’a [ Vol.28, Issue 73 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Tayyeb Hoseini.Seyyed Mahmood Analyzing the Historical Discourse of the Qur'an of the Title Maqām Ibrāhīm [ Vol.28, Issue 73 - Winter Year 1401]
  • tohidi.amir A Historical Analysis of the Phenomenon of Antinomianism among Islamic Sects and Intra-Religious Currents [ Vol.28, Issue 72 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • tohidi.amir Analysis and Criticism of the Views of Sunni Commentators in Different Centuries Regarding the Explanation of the Concept of Mawddat of Dhi al-Qurbá [ Vol.28, Issue 73 - Winter Year 1401]


  • Vahidnia.Ala Correlated mushafs belong to the Basran school [ Vol.28, Issue 71 - Summer Year 1401]