• Abbasi Asfajir.Ali Asghar The most effective social and psychological factors of Iranian women's tendency to cosmetic surgery (meta-analysis)) [ Vol.11, Issue 4 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Abdolahi.Arezou The Effects of Family-Centered Structured Games Using Lego Bricks on the resiliency of Children with Attention Deficit and Hayperactivity [ Vol.11, Issue 1 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Aghaeidoust.Shafieh The effectiveness of metacognitive skills training on Students' cognitive and emotional flexibility [ Vol.11, Issue 2 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Akbari.Bahman Comparison of Cognitive, Metacognitive Learning Strategies and Motivation for Academic Achievement in Students with and Without Specific Learning Disabilities [ Vol.11, Issue 3 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Akbari.Fatemeh Comparison of Cognitive, Metacognitive Learning Strategies and Motivation for Academic Achievement in Students with and Without Specific Learning Disabilities [ Vol.11, Issue 3 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Anasspoure.Abbas Comparing the effectiveness of time management and behavior management skills training on reducing academic procrastination in Ahvaz Payam Noor University Students [ Vol.11, Issue 1 - Spring Year 1399]