Compare sensation seeking trait and their components in athlete’s individual and non athletes individual
Subject Areas : Journal of Educational Psychology
Saeed Teymouri
Hossein Moameni Mahmouei
Ali Mashhadi
1 - 1) Faculty member of Islamic Azad University. Torbat jam Branch
2 - 2) Faculty member of Islamic Azad University. Torbat Heydarieh Branch
3 - 3) Faculty member of Ferdousi University. Mashhad
Keywords: Sensation seeking, Thrill seeking, and non-athlete student athlete son,
Abstract :
The main aim of the study was to compare sensation seeking trait and their components in athletes individual and non athlete’s individual. The research method was the casual-comparative study.All subjects studied included 160 subjects (80 students, 80 student athletes and non athletes) with a mean age of 22 years. For assessment of sensation seeking and their components politics Zuckerman scale (SSS-V) was used. Cronbach's alpha for this scale questions 0/75 and correlation between subjects score twice in the space of four weeks r=0/79 reported.Data analysis using t test, revealed that sensation seeking trait and their components in athlete’s individual higher than non athletes individual.