Validity, reliability and standardization test in April emotional creativity
Subject Areas : Journal of Educational Psychology
Mehrdad Sabet
Majid Shafie Amiri
Fatemeh Khani Abdoalahi
1 - Assistant professor of psychology Islamic Azad University, Rodehen, Iran
2 - M.A of psychology Islamic Azad University, Rodehen, Iran
3 - M.A of Ecotourism Islamic Azad University, Noor, Iran
Keywords: creativity, standardization, April,
Abstract :
The present study aimed to evaluate the validity, reliability and standardization of test April emotional creativity among students of Azad University's Branch. To select the sample using stratified random sampling were selected from the University Branch. The sum of these students, 1,400 were out of which 300 were selected for study tool 1-log 30 items, emotional creativity April (1999) to measure emotional creativity in four dimensions: novelty, effectiveness, honesty and willingness prepared and April with Cronbach's alpha reliability of the 91/0 emotional creativity and reliability of readiness, effectiveness, integrity and innovation in the order of 80/0, 89/0, 80/0, vary from 850 won. 2-tests of verbal and nonverbal creative thinking Torrance (TTCT) has two parallel forms A and B in Torrance verbal test, the three components of fluency, flexibility and originality and non-verbal tests Torrance, four components of fluency, flexibility, originality and expansion are measured. The results indicated that factor analysis on the data for this variable are permitted. KMO statistic with a value greater than 5.0 indicates a sampling adequacy and Bartlett's confidence level zero to test the suitability of the model shows the factors cited.