Predict Behavioral Symptoms from Emotional Intelligence in Delinquent Adolescents
Subject Areas : Journal of Educational PsychologyAli Akbar Haddadi Kuhsar 1 * , Bagher B. Ghobari 2
1 - Health Psychology, University of Kharazm
2 - Professor, University of Tehran
Keywords: Emotional intelligence, Behavioral Symptoms, Delinquent Adolescents,
Abstract :
This study examined predicts behavioral symptoms from emotional intelligence in delinquent adolescents. In this study 88 from delinquent adolescents were voluntarily selected. They completed the measures of Trait Meta-Mood Scale (Salovey, Mayer, Goldman, Turvey, & Palfai, 1995), and Behavioral Symptoms Checklist90-R (Derogatis et al., 1973). Analysis of data with utilization of multiple regression analysis revealed that behavioral symptoms of delinquent adolescents can be predicted from the emotional intelligence. Moreover, data revealed that delinquent adolescents with higher in an emotional intelligence were lower in behavioral symptoms (interpersonal sensitivity, psychoticism and somatization). Theoretical implication and practical application of the finding are discussed in the original paper.