Study of Relationship between Personality Features and Study Methods with Educational progress in MA students Allameh Tabatabai
Subject Areas : Journal of Educational PsychologyEsmail saadipour 1 , hadi jafarinezhad 2 * , mehrdad hajihasani 3
1 - Assistant professor, Department of psychology, Alameh Tabatabai, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of psychology, Alameh Tabatabai, Tehran, Iran
3 - Department of psychology, Alameh Tabatabai, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Educational Progress, personality features, study methods,
Abstract :
The aim of this research was study of relationship between personality features and study methods with educational progress in students in allameh Tababtabai University. Method: method in this study was survey- descriptive and correlation. In this research a total of 110 students were chosen by cluster sampling. This sample were examined by personality five- factor questionnaire, methods and skills of study questionnaire and use of terms end average for evaluation of educational progress. Results: the outcomes of the pearsonian correlation showed that the relationship between educational progress with neurotic personality and surface study method is negative, with extroversion, agreeableness, conscientious personality, and deep seated study method is positive. And relationship between educational progress with openness to experience no significant. The outcomes of the multivariate regression show that deep seated and surface study method and neurotic, conscientious, extroversion personality can predict the educational progress. Conclusion: the students who have extroversion, agreeableness or conscientious personality type and uses of deep seated study method have more educational progress.