Influence of marriage preparation programme instruction on couples communication beliefs
Subject Areas : Journal of Educational Psychology
Javad Khalatbari
Shohreh Ghorbanshiroudi
Zahra Madiuon
1 - Assistant professor. Islamic Azad University. Tonekabon Branch
2 - Assistant professor. Islamic Azad University Tonekabon Branch
3 - M.A Degree Psychology Field. IAU Tonekabon Branch
Keywords: gender differences, Instruction of marriage Preparation programme, Communication beliefs, Generic perfectionism,
Abstract :
The present research designed and implemented with the goal of study of marriage preparation programme instruction influence on the couples communication beliefs of 300 couples that had referred to Kermanshah’s health center for pre-marriage consultation, 40 persons (20 males and 20 females) who had got the highest score in the communication beliefs (the accepted score should be mentioned) in comparison to other group members were selected and in the next steps, this 40-member group was divided randomly into two groups of control (comparison group is a more appropriate word) and experiment. That constituted 20 persons of experimental group and 20 persons of control group and the experimental group has been participated instruction classes of marriage preparation programme. After finishing of instruction classes of the marriage preparation programme, again inventory of the communication beliefs performed as a post-test. Collected data has been used by covariance analysis test to examine variation in unreasonable beliefs. Obtained result of first hypothesis showed that instruction of the marriage preparation programme is effective in changing couples communication beliefs, and generally unreasonable communication beliefs have been decreased meaningfully. According to the second hypothesis, instruction of the marriage preparation programme has been effective in variation of married male’s communication beliefs. In the third hypothesis also this point was confirmed that instruction of the marriage preparation programme has been effective in variation of the couple’s communication beliefs, in belief component to ruin disagreement. Also the fifth hypothesis confirm that instruction of the marriage preparation programme is effective in changing of the couples communication beliefs, in the belief component to exchangeability of a spouse. And the sixth hypothesis results suggested that instruction of the marriage preparation programme is effective in changing couples communication beliefs in the component of reading mind expectation. And eighth hypothesis is based on the effect that instruction of the marriage preparation programme is effective in changing of the couples communication beliefs about generic differences, no meaningful changes have be seen in the post-test, so these two hypotheses were not confirmed.