Comparison of study strategies (cognitive and metacognitive and personality components in the girl’s students of academic weak and strong of Mazandaran Payam Noor University.
Subject Areas : Journal of Educational Psychology
1 - Assistant professor, Department of psychology, Payam e Nour University
Keywords: Study strategies (cognitive – Metacognitive), Personality components, academic strong and weak,
Abstract :
The aim of this research was comparison of study strategies (cognitive and metacognitive) and personality components in the girl’s students of academic weak and strong of Mazandaran Payam Noor University. The research method was the casual-comparative and research design was two groups. For sampling from among Mazandran Payam Noor centers, randomly selected center 5 and from each center, academic course 5 and from each course, student 8 of academic weak and student 8 academic strong. Thus, final sample were 200(558) girl’s student of academic strong and 200(558) girl’s student of academic weak. For assessment of study strategies used of cognitive and Metacognitive inventory and for assessment of personality components used of Neo short-form personality questionnaire. Dates analysis by using t-test for independent means showed that academic strong students in comparison of academic weak students not only of cognitive and metacognitive strategies more used but also academic strong student’s exception of neuroticism components in the other personality components were more extraversion, more openness, more agreeableness and more conscientionness. Results this research convergence with other researches. These in vestigations showed that study strategies and personality components effective role have in the students’ academic achievement.