Validation of social propriety questionnaire among students
Subject Areas : social psychologySina Peighambari 1 , Ramazan Hassanzadeh 2 * , Gholamreza Khoshfar 3
1 - Department of Psychology, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran
2 - Professor of Department of Psychology, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran
3 - Golestan university, faculty of human and social science, department of social science.
Keywords: Validation#social propriety#questionnaire#students,
Abstract :
Propriety, moralist and human behavior, according to customs and cultural standards, which is socially accepted and it is the consent of the community members. The purpose of this article is to standardize the social solidarity questionnaire. This study was conducted in descriptive method in 2017. 385 students were selected as a sample by estimating the sample size. The reliability of the 50- item social decency questionnaire based on Cronbach's alpha test was 0.87 and the two-half method was 0.79. 34 out of 50 items are related to interpersonal etiquette and 16 items are related to individual etiquette. The content validity of the questionnaire is more than 0.99. Bartlett test was obtained with 6911.8 chi-square, 1225-degree of freedom, significance level of 0.000 and value of KMO = 0.750. As a result the completed questionnaire is a valid and reliable, so that can be used to assess the level of social propriety.
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