Identification of factors affecting invisibilityStaff at Payam Noor University of Khuzestan Province
Subject Areas : social psychologyNasrin Ebrahimi 1 * , Morad Shamsi 2
1 - Graduated from Ahwaz Azad University
2 - Department of Management, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran
Keywords: lack of merit, Discrimination and injustice, job insecurity, invisible staff,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to identify factors affecting the employees' invisibility in the light message of Khuzestan province.The type of research is applied in terms of purpose and in the type of method is a descriptive survey. The statistical population of this research includes employees of Payame Noor University of Khuzestan, which is 745 people and 227 people were selected by multi-stage random sampling method. ToolThe data was collected by a questionnaire whose factual validity was confirmed by management professorsIts reliability has been calculated and validated using the Cronbach Alpha coefficient.Friedman test has been used to analyze the information from structural equations using the LISREL software and for ranking the factors influencing employee invisibility. The results show that there are six factors; organizational discrimination and injustice, job insecurity, inappropriateness, decision-making style, reward and appreciation, and the system for monitoring and controlling employees' invisibility. Also, among the six identified factors, the factor of injustice and organizational discrimination has a greater impact than other factors.