• Mirkoshesh.Amir Houshangh The place of new technologies and artificial intelligence in the expansion of diplomatic relations and sustainable foreign policy [ Vol.18, Issue 61 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Mirzaeimanesh.Zahra Tabiq, Pahlavi regime's and revolutionaries' point of view about the Palestinian issue (within the framework of the theory of realism and idealism) [ Vol.18, Issue 60 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Mohammadi.Farzad The most important criticisms of postmodernism based on the attitude of socialists [ Vol.18, Issue 60 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • moradi.maryam Intra-regional security and hegemonic stability of the Middle East countries [ Vol.18, Issue 60 - Autumn Year 1401]