Dialectic of the Political and the Aesthetic: Jacques Rancière Theoretical Reflections on Aesthetics and Its Relation to Politics
Subject Areas :
masomeh mohamadyari
Mohammad Tohidfam
1 - Ph.D. Student of Political Sceince Group, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran, Tehran
2 - Associate Prof. of Political Sceince Group, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran, Tehran
Keywords: aesthetics, Politics, equality, Distribution of the sensible, Police,
Abstract :
By saying that ‘in essence, politics is aesthetics’, Rancière seeks the aesthetical aspects of politics and the political aspects of aesthetics at the point in which an action amends or changes the sensible categories. By postulating the concept of ‘equality’ in his thought, Rancière re-examines the relation between politics and aesthetics. ‘Both of these subjects’ he maintains ‘are dealing with the same issues through parallel ways’. Both of them, re-distribute the sensible by their own idiosyncratic ways and by creating different forms of innovations, they emancipate the dialogue and speech from its pre-defined roles. There is an integration and sameness of these two and by eliminating the distributive logic of the sensible and re-distributing it, they open up the boarders of experience. That is done only by postulating equality that brings out the emancipation for the political. That is done only by postulating equality that brings out the emancipation of the political.
منابع فارسی
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English Source
- Davis, Oliver (2010), Jacques Ranciere, Cambridge: Polity.
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