Outputs of Ideal Development Qualifications Based on Imam Khomeini Opinion of Judgment Definition
Subject Areas :Hassan Shafiee 1 , Bahram Zahedi 2 *
1 - Ph.D. of Political Science from Tehran University
2 - Ph.D. Student of Political Science from Sahid Modaress
Keywords: development, nature, unity, judgment, Fortune, Social Judgment,
Abstract :
Nowadays, the word of development has special manning in literary of social science which has along with some of cultural and philosophy theories and also it shows special view to individual and social life. Architecture of Islamic Republic of Iran, Imam Khomeini was speaker of other ways; except of known eastern or western copies of recent world. He was leader in political, social, economic, cultural domains and his base of working was responding to the all side of individual and societies necessities according to Islam religion; so ideal development will have qualification which is completely different of word development definition rather than other views. Our hypothesis is meaning of judgment base on Imam Khomeini opinion identifies qualifications of ideal development with attention of main role of basic philosophy from political, economic and social theories. In fact, we are going to search how impression has been judgment meaning definition on assignment of ideal development qualifications from Imam thinking? This research way is base on interpretation approach and quality analyzing. All data are gathered in library frame and studied according to hermeneutic technique (different pre–hypothesis). All Gathered research outputs which have accorded based on Imam Opinions show that ideal development will have special characteristics which are issues of his Islamic view with regard to existence, humanity and fortune of man. Five main qualifications based on Imam Thinking are as below items which are necessities to goal ideal development; Getting direction toward the ultimate fortune, Independency, Empowering, Obligated to the legal, Reach to the social judgment. The key word according to Imam Opinion is judgment description for determination of ideal development qualifications since it observes man who stays in most high spirit and also guarantee for social judgment
منابع فارسی
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