The position of economic policy in Turkey's political stability since 2002
Subject Areas : International Relations
mohammadreza saremi
ardeshir sanaie
1 - PhD student at Azad University
2 - Academic Member & Assistance Professor of the Political Science Department,
Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch
Keywords: Turkey, Justice and Development Party, Economic Policy, Political stability,
Abstract :
Maintaining a regime from subversion through revolution or rebellion is always one of the most important issues in political systems, and political stability is also the temptation of those who are interested in the continuation of the political system. There are many factors contributing to the creation of stability or political change in the state. Important factors in this regard are incorrect economic policies and the lack of economic security, inequality, structural divide, inflation, and so on. It provides a source of political instability in society. Since 2002, with the advent of the Justice and Development Party, the Turkish government has been able to overcome economic problems by planning appropriate macroeconomic policies. But the question is: what has been the role of economic policy in creating political stability in Turkey? The hypothesis that can be raised is that economic policies have created political stability in this country. Accordingly, the macroeconomic government has been able to use the expansion of the private sector and increase competition, reduce domestic demand and export development, create incentives for attracting foreign capital, increase productivity and use of technology, To continue. In the monetary policy sector, it has been able to cut inflation below 5%. In the currency sector, with the change from the fixed exchange system to the floating exchange system, it has been able to help restore the value of the domestic currency. Which has given citizens satisfaction and political stability in the country.
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