Screening bean genotypes ) Phaseolus vulgaris( for resistance to common bacterial blight disease in Markazi Province, Iran
Subject Areas : Plant ProtectionMohammad Reza Lak 1 * , Hamid Reza Dorri 2
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Abstract :
Common bacterial blight (CBB), caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli (Xap), is one of the major diseseas in bean fields leading to significant losses in yield and seed quality. Chemical control is ineffective, therefore, the use of resistant varieties becomes an interesting alternative. The object of this experiment was to screen resistant bean genotypes to CBB. The experiment was conducted at Arak Station of Agricultural and Natural Resources Center of Markazi Province. Bean genotypes were planted in the field at 2 locations. In one locations Xap suspension with 107 cfu/ml was sprayed onto plants befor flowerhng stage. Disease scale was rated from 1 (Immune) to 5( susceptible). The experiment was carried out in agment design in 12 blocks with 234 bean genotypes with 3 checks including Khomein Local Chitti bean, Daneshkadeh white bean and Goli red bean. Evaluated traits in 3 bean checks had no significant difference that meaned the experiment accuracy was high. Fourty one bean genotypes with disease scale ≥ 3 was selected as resistant and semi resistant to CBB.
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