• Alizadeh.Esmaeil Identification of the dominant species of Agrotis in Naghadeh sugar beet fields and determination of the number of its generations in the field [ Vol.10, Issue 1 - Summer Year 1400]
  • Ardeshir.Fariba Evaluation of Abamectin (Agrimec Gold® SC 8.4%) in control of two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae Koch and its preharvest interval in greenhouse cucumber [ Vol.10, Issue 1 - Summer Year 1400]
  • Ardeshir.Fariba Efficacy of a new acaricide acequinocyl (Kanemite® SC, 15%) for the control of European red mite in apple orchards [ Vol.10, Issue 2 - Winter Year 1400]


  • Canto.Tomas Study on the antiviral activity of Weeping willow, Yarrow and common Nettle plant ethanolic extracts on Cucumber mosaic virus infection in cucumber under greenhouse conditions [ Vol.10, Issue 1 - Summer Year 1400]


  • Gholamnejad.Jalal The effect of Denai thyme essential oil, fustil aluminum and mancozeb-metalaxyl on the induction of cucumber plant defense system in interaction with cucumber ring rot disease caused by Phytophthora sp. [ Vol.10, Issue 2 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Gholamnejad.Jalal Review Article: Reverse genetics in plant pathology: methods, benefits and challenges [ Vol.10, Issue 2 - Winter Year 1400]


  • Haghi.Fatemeh Identification of the dominant species of Agrotis in Naghadeh sugar beet fields and determination of the number of its generations in the field [ Vol.10, Issue 1 - Summer Year 1400]
  • Heidari.Ahmad Evaluation of Abamectin (Agrimec Gold® SC 8.4%) in control of two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae Koch and its preharvest interval in greenhouse cucumber [ Vol.10, Issue 1 - Summer Year 1400]


  • jabaleh.isa Study of population fluctuations of Lobesia botrana (Lep.: Tortricidae) in vineyards of Kashmar region, in Khorasan Razavi province [ Vol.10, Issue 1 - Summer Year 1400]


  • kermani.payman Comparison of virulence of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. radicis-cucumerinum isolates from different regions of Iran and their impact on vegetative growth of cucumber [ Vol.10, Issue 2 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Kheradpir.Neda A report of Physa acuta presence from Jajrood River, east of Tehran province [ Vol.10, Issue 1 - Summer Year 1400]
  • Kheradpir.Neda The antifungal effect of several essential oils on Ascochyta rabiei, the causal agent of chickpea Ascochyta blight in vitro and greenhouse conditions [ Vol.10, Issue 2 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Kheradpir.Neda Diversity of arthropod pests and their ecological natural enemies in mushroom production units in Zarandieh region, Markazi province [ Vol.10, Issue 2 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Khodayari.Samira Identification of the dominant species of Agrotis in Naghadeh sugar beet fields and determination of the number of its generations in the field [ Vol.10, Issue 1 - Summer Year 1400]


  • Maldari Kondor.Esmat Study of population fluctuations of Lobesia botrana (Lep.: Tortricidae) in vineyards of Kashmar region, in Khorasan Razavi province [ Vol.10, Issue 1 - Summer Year 1400]


  • Nouri.Mohsen Investigation of crop calendar effect on spraying of autumn wheat fields in Varamin region [ Vol.10, Issue 1 - Summer Year 1400]


  • Rakhshandehroo.Farshad Study on the antiviral activity of Weeping willow, Yarrow and common Nettle plant ethanolic extracts on Cucumber mosaic virus infection in cucumber under greenhouse conditions [ Vol.10, Issue 1 - Summer Year 1400]


  • Safarzadeh Khosroshahi.Taban Study on the antiviral activity of Weeping willow, Yarrow and common Nettle plant ethanolic extracts on Cucumber mosaic virus infection in cucumber under greenhouse conditions [ Vol.10, Issue 1 - Summer Year 1400]
  • Salehi Jouzani.Gholamreza Study on the antiviral activity of Weeping willow, Yarrow and common Nettle plant ethanolic extracts on Cucumber mosaic virus infection in cucumber under greenhouse conditions [ Vol.10, Issue 1 - Summer Year 1400]
  • Samari.Mohammad The antifungal effect of several essential oils on Ascochyta rabiei, the causal agent of chickpea Ascochyta blight in vitro and greenhouse conditions [ Vol.10, Issue 2 - Winter Year 1400]
  • shahriari.dariush The antifungal effect of several essential oils on Ascochyta rabiei, the causal agent of chickpea Ascochyta blight in vitro and greenhouse conditions [ Vol.10, Issue 2 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Shojaei.Seyed Habib Comparison of virulence of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. radicis-cucumerinum isolates from different regions of Iran and their impact on vegetative growth of cucumber [ Vol.10, Issue 2 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Sirjani.Mohammad Study of population fluctuations of Lobesia botrana (Lep.: Tortricidae) in vineyards of Kashmar region, in Khorasan Razavi province [ Vol.10, Issue 1 - Summer Year 1400]


  • Tanha.mojtaba Diversity of arthropod pests and their ecological natural enemies in mushroom production units in Zarandieh region, Markazi province [ Vol.10, Issue 2 - Winter Year 1400]