Imagology of Dramatic Elements of Archetype Theory of Hero by Christopher Vogler Journey in "Blindness" Novel.
Subject Areas :
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Keywords: imagology, dramatic elements, archetype, Christopher Vogler, character change, Blindness.,
Abstract :
Imagology of "characters" and their characterizations in fictions as dramatic elements play a key role in dramatizatibility of fictions. The characters whom Christopher Vogler has identified using a mythical identity archetypal by theory hero joseph Campbell which form the archetypal criticism and the basis of imagology of this research. Deploying a descriptive-analytical method, the researcher has investigated dramatic elements in "Blindness" Novel have been studied analytically. The incorporation of archetypal criticism criteria in one hand, and a dramatic view to these elements in dramatic literature has led to a functional interaction of these two. Archetype of hero, based on Christopher Vogler's theory, show the struggle in the forms of characters and their interactions and illustrates the trend of the hero's growth and development or his character's change. The result of this research shows that by investigating the literary elements and images and the hero's journey dramatic elements an interdisciplinary approach is observed and a common literary-cultural ground is found. Thus, the literary text shows its other dimensions in relation to other sciences such as psychology, mythology, and dramatic arts. Likewise, it illuminates the capacity and dramatizatibility of contemporary fictions. This research highlights this view that literature's dynamicity would not be fulfilled without paying attention to its external aspect. Such a method of investigation causes that literature is not secluded and reveals the hidden bonds of literature to other humanistic thoughts areas.
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