Useful knowledge from the perspective of Rumi in the Mathnavi
Subject Areas :zahra babapour 1 , محمد رضا صرفي 2 * , عنایت الله شریف پور 3
1 - PhD student in Persian language and literature, Islamic Azad University, Sirjan Branch.iran
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Keywords: Rumi, Masnavi, science, awareness, scientific knowledge, useful science,
Abstract :
Rumi Jalaluddin Rumi is one of the great Muslim mystics and scholars who cultivated the Sufi school. He knew the mystical trends before him well and was aware of the opinions and beliefs of philosophers, theologians and jurists. It is clear from the collection of poems that he had a long-standing acquaintance with Islamic verses, hadiths, history and wisdom. Rumi has always praised science, but he always considers those sciences that can lead man to the divine source to be useful and fruitful. He considers science a great blessing that, like a light in the depths of man, becomes a ladder of exaltation and ascension. Therefore, he considers science that arises from knowledge and awareness to be beneficial and that opens the way for man and leads him towards spirituality and morality. In this article, entitled Useful Science from Rumi's Perspective, an attempt is made to examine the sciences in Rumi's perspective and to explore the truth of useful science from Rumi's perspective, how useful science can lead man to the one truth and immortality.
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