The Role of Cyber Social Network in Egyptian Revolution
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International RelationsMorteza Noormohammadi 1 , Roghayeh Mohammadi 2
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Keywords: social network, Egyptian revolution, cyber association, informing,
Abstract :
One of the important newly emerged phenomenon in cyberspace which provides the possibility of cyber association is cyber social networks which are considered as a dynamic force in social and political changes in society. Within this context the political and social changes which took place is a major part of the Middle East and North Africa especially in Egypt raises significant questions about the role of technology and the new structure of media in contemporary political movements. Taking into consideration the importance of cyber social network in social and political developments of the societies; the paper brings up a question that what role did the cyber social network played in Egypt’s revolution. The underlying hypothesis is that the social networks by facilitating and speeding up the communication among the protesters, coordinating, formulating the programmes, shaping and orienting the gatherings of the protesters played an accelerating role in Egyptian revolution.