A Study of the Place of Hollywood Cinema in Media Diplomacy of the United States: Representation, Cultural Hegemony and Furtherance of Foreign Policy Goals
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International RelationsMajid Tavassoli Roknabadi 1 , Bashir Esmaeili 2
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Keywords: Representation, Foreign Policy, the United States, Hollywood, media diplomacy,
Abstract :
In recent years there has been an increase on emphasis on terms like media diplomacy, soft power, soft war etc. in political literature. On this issue besides several conferences and lectures, lot of written works has analyzed the furtherance of foreign policy goals through media diplomacy. Among the existing literature the term representation has extensive theoretical backing by international politics theoricians and it has not been addressed sufficiently. The present article wants to answer this question that on which theoretical bases Hollywood as a device of American media diplomacy help furtherance of the United States foreign policy? The underlying hypothesis is that representation can explain the relation between media diplomacy and furtherance of foreign policy goals. Among the American media Hollywood has been selected as case study and the time span is Cold War era.