The Impact of Ethnic Inequality on National Security
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International RelationsJaafar HezarJeribi 1 , Nader Morovati 2
1 - (Email: ) ١. دانشیار و عضو هیئت علمی گروه علوم اجتماعی دانشگاه علامه طباطبایی
2 - (Email: کارشناسی ارشد برنامه ریزی توسعه منطقه ای
Keywords: Security, ethnicity, national security, inequality,
Abstract :
By ethnic problem one means a situation where all the ethnic groups or sections of country’s ethnic group in their tendency towards nation-state and their feeling about belonging to that state have become different or against it, instead they emphasize on their own peculiarity and wish certain degree of disintegration. In many occasions the national nationalism and ethnical nationalism conflict with each other. The present article wants to study the impact of ethnic inequalities on national security. Two province of Isfahan and Kurdistan have been selected as the representatives of different ethnic groups. For collection of data library materials (documentary) and secondary analysis have been used. For comparison of the inequality between the two provinces economic and social indexes have been used. Also for examining the variable of national security and its condition in these two understudy provinces, data have been taken from a study which was conducted in Summer 1381/2002 by the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance under the name of “value and attitudes of Iranians”. Eventually the following findings have been concluded. From the view point economic and social indexes Kurdistan is placing at a lower level than Isfahan Province. As regards to the variable for evaluating national security, the distinction and differences between the views and opinion of citizens of Isfahan Province and citizens of Kurdistan Province are quite tangible. This large difference on variable of national security between the two (which represent two ethnic groups) can lead to problems for national unity and lowering the national security index.