The "Health Silk Road" Initiative: planning China's Influence in Global Health Governance
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International Relations
mohsen keshvarian azad
mohammad Jolani
1 - Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of International Relations, Kharazmi University
2 - Department of International Relations؛ Faculty of Humanities؛Tarbiat Modares University؛Tehran، Iran
Keywords: China, Influence, Governance, health silk road, global health,
Abstract :
Beijing has created mechanisms in the economic, commercial, financial and monetary, technological and cyber spheres to increase its position in global governance. Following China's initiatives and plans to influence global governance, the health sector has become one of the axes of China's foreign policy. The purpose of this article is to explain the "Health Silk Road" and plans of China's influence in global health governance and And it answered the question that how China's "Health Silk Road" initiative has become the planning for this country's influence in global health governance? In response, it is assumed that China's "Health Silk Road" as an emerging diplomatic initiative through the development of South-South cooperation, establishment of institutional mechanisms, bilateral and multilateral strategic partnership, and connecting the health sector with the economic sector, technology and the "One Belt and One Road " initiative, has led to the promotion of the health cooperation network in the world and has provided the grounds for Beijing's influence in global health governance. The research method is analytical-explanatory. The findings show that China has established effective governance mechanisms to promote joint management and cooperative efforts in global health.
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