Citizenship rights, Citizen Security and Combating Terrorism in Europe
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International Relationsmohammad nassirzadeh نصیرزاده 1 * , Farideh Mohammad Alipour 2
1 - kharazmi
2 - Department of International relations, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Kharazmi University
Keywords: Europe, Citizenship Rights, Combating Terrorism, Citizen Security, State of Exception,
Abstract :
Citizenship rights are a combination of duties and responsibilities of society members towards one another, society and state. In cases such as threats to national security, governments may serve these threats as a ground for restrictions on these rights. In enforcing this restriction States must adhere to legislative principles such as proportionality and non-discrimination. After the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the European countries have tried to restrict civil rights. The main question is how fighting terrorism has affected Citizenship rights in Europe? Using the explanatory method and with the aim of enriching the research literature on the current situation of civil rights in the light of the anti-terrorist policies of European countries, the results of the study show that in the State of Exception, the provision of security through preventive use of criminal justice in reality, results in ignoring many of the fundamental rights and freedom of individuals and minority groupsIncluding Muslims.
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