Changes in US Middle East Presence Methodology: Reasons and Contexts
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International Relationsamirhossein nemati 1 * , Jalal Torkashvand 2 , alireza naeej 3
1 - Lecturer, Department of General Courses, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Imam Ali University, Tehran, Iran
2 - PhD in International Relations and Lecturer at Imam Ali University
3 - PhD in International Relations, University Lecturer, Member of the Association for Political Studies
Keywords: United States of America, Foreign policy, Middle East, West of Asia, Randall Schweller,
Abstract :
Due to its high geopolitical and geostrategic capacities, the West Asian region has always been considered and intervened by global and trans-regional powers, and a significant part of the security structure of this region and its transformation also depends on the entry and exit and the type of action and strategy of trans-regional powers. has it. The United States has always been the most important and influential trans-regional power in West Asia since World War II. The country has always offered interest-based approaches in its foreign policy in line with the changes in politics and power in the region. Following the developments in West Asia in 2011, the foreign policy approach of US governments, as the largest intervening trans-regional power, has undergone more fundamental changes than in the past, and US leaders appear to be seeking a new methodology for US presence in West Asia. Given the importance of the country's role in the global equations, especially the equations of the West Asian region, this article is a percentage with a descriptive-analytical approach and using the theoretical framework of Randall Schuller's balance of interests to answer the important question What is the United States of America in West Asia?
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