Formulation of issues and challenges of world politics
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International Relationsعلیرضا نائیج 1 * , Hosein Pourahmadi 2 , منصور mirahmadi 3
1 - دبیر انجمن
3 - ph
Keywords: human, Ecosystem, challenges, World Politics, issues, International Politics, Formulation,
Abstract :
In recent decades, challenges such as disease, immigration, human rights, environmental issues, digital currencies, terrorism, drug trafficking, cyberspace, etc. have led to the transition of International policy challenges to world politics. These issues are one of the most important fields of study in the field of international relations. Understanding this transition depends on formulating these challenges. The main question of this research is: How can the challenges and issues of global politics be formulated? It seems that the presentation of a new formulation of challenges and issues of global politics based on the three components of "human", "biosphere" and "human-biosphere relationship" leads to a new perspective in which the multiplicity of actors And the impact and role of each of them is explained at the level of "global politics" analysis. In the present study, an attempt is made to provide a new and specific format and understanding of world politics with a descriptive and analytical method and collection tools such as library method in order to provide a new and specific formulation compared to the existing formulations.
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