Explaining the Impact of Neo-Ottomanism on Changing the Nature of Turkish-Saudi Relations from Cooperation to Conflict in the Syrian Crisis (2019-2011)
Subject Areas :Mohsen Yousefi 1 , Rahmat Hajimineh 2 * , mohammadreza dehshiri 3
1 - International relations,. Islamic Azad University Tehran North Branch. tehran,. Iran
2 - Professor, Department of communication and Social Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Eastem Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Professor of International Relations, Faculty of International Relations of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Syria crisis, Justice and Development Party, Constructivism, Neo-Ottomanism, Foreign Policy of Turkey and Saudi Arabia,
Abstract :
Turkey-Saudi Arabia relations between the AKP and the establishment of theAKPin2002,and the adoption of a new foreign policy known as"neo-Ottomanism",have always fluctuated between competition and cooperation.From the beginning of the party's effectiveness and the adoption of a new foreign policy by Ankara, and the beginning of the crisis in Syria,the nature of bilateral relations was cooperative,but as the crisis continued and intensified,Turkey preferred a direct military presence in Syria.The conflict changed and paved the way for a confrontation with Riyadh.TheTurkish military presence itself changed many of the equations in the region and the calculations of the countries,and Saudi Arabia also sought to reduce Iran's influence in the region and Syria.In this article,with an analytical-descriptive method, we seek to explain and answer the question of how neo-Ottomanism has changed the nature of relations between the two countries in the new foreign policy of Turkey and in relations with other countries,especially Saudi Arabia.In the Syrian crisis,the country has competed and fought in the form of cooperation.In answer to this question,we will use the hypothesis that neo-Ottomanism in the Syrian crisis,by creating a conflict of interests and goals,changed the nature of relations between Riyadh and Ankara from the form of cooperation to conflict.
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