Iranian Strategic Culture and the Limitations of Washington's Coercive Diplomacy against Tehran
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International Relations
Majid Gholampour
Ghaffar Zarei
Ali Mohammad Haghighi
1 - PhD Student, Department of Political Science, Lamerd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Lamerd, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor Department of Political Science, Lamerd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Lamerd, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Lamerd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Lamerd, Iran.
Keywords: Resistance, Rationalism, Coercive diplomacy, Iranian strategic culture, Tactical flexibility,
Abstract :
This study is to "evaluate the impact of Iranian strategic culture on Tehran's response to Washington's coercive diplomacy. The question is, "How has the strategic culture of Iran affected its response to Washington's wills i.e. giving up the ideals of the Islamic Revolution. The findings of the study, obtained through an inferential methodology and analyzed relying on the power of individual understanding, show that the nine components of Iranian strategic culture in regard of diplomacy and defense, including "martyrdom", "resistance", "emphasis on deterrence", tactical flexibility, "Strategic ambiguity", "strategic patience", "self-reliance", "strategic loneliness and a sense of vulnerability" and "the mission of the leadership of Islam and the region" and its 5 characteristics including "achieving the truth of trust", "courage" , "rationalism", "intelligent and thoughtful leadership" and "hybrid and multidimensional nature has led Iran to understand the extravagant and self-reinforcing nature of coercive diplomacy and the importance of resisting US pressure and to prevent an onset for the domino of being blackmailed by US. Thus, the interactions between Iran and US during the past four decades have been based on either the principle of "privilege for privilege" or "reciprocity."
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