Explanation of Saudi-Israeli relations against Iran : 2011-2020
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International Relations
farzad navidinia
sajad moradi kelardeh
1 - Department of Political Science, Islamic Azad University, Andimeshk Branch, Andimeshk, Iran
2 - Ma and researcher of intermational relations
Keywords: Israel, Saudi Arabia, Iran phobia, the threat Balance, Coalation Bulding,
Abstract :
Saudi Arabia and Israel, two key players in the Middle East, have expanded bilateral and regional relations over the past decade. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between these two actors with the focus on new developments in the region. This descriptive-analytical study, using the theory of threat balance, raises the main question: what is the most important reason for the expansion of Saudi-Israeli relations over the past decade and how can it be explained? In response, it pursues the main hypothesis that the main reason for the expansion of bilateral relations is joint cooperation with Iran in the region. The findings show that Saudi Arabia and Israel, based on the variables of threat balance theory including total power, geographical proximity, offensive power and offensive intentions, consider Iran as a threat and try to form a coalition and balance against it. The most important joint approaches of the two sides in dealing with Iran also include Iranophobia, supporting terrorist groups, challenging Iran's regional allies, Shiaophobia, influencing the US withdrawal from the JCPOA and expanding the normalization of relations with Israel among the Arab Gulf states.
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