Personality Tests and Analysis of Donald Trump's Personality: Psycho-Political outlook
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International Relationsعلی اشرف نظری 1 * , Amir Mollai Mozaffari 2
1 - استاد دانشگاه تهران
2 - PhD student in Political Science, University of Tehran.
Keywords: Narcissism, psychology, Mental disorders, Donald Trump, Personality Test,
Abstract :
Donald Trump is one of the political figures whose understanding of the nature of his thinking and behavior has attracted the attention of psychologists more than any previous president of the United States of America, because he shows high levels of mobility and excitement. Thus, many psychologists have attempted in their numerous articles and interviews to analyze the behavior and words of Trump based on various personality tests. This article attempts to highlight the similarities and differences in the findings of the most reliable diagnoses and study the intellectual and psychological structure of Donald Trump. The main question here is concerned with the nature of Donald Trump’s character and how his behavior can be understood, analyzed and predicted. To this end, Trump’s character has been studied through the lenses of the Hare Psychopathy Checklist, DSM-4’s Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Millon Inventory of Diagnostic Criteria, The Big Five Model, and the six-dimensional HEXACO Model. Examining and evaluating the results of various psychological tests and analyzing Trump's personality can lead to a deeper understanding of political behaviors and actions and the possibility of predicting his actions during his term in the presidential office..
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