Understanding the threat and its effects on the Regionalology approach of Russian think tanks; emphasizing on the environment of Central Asia and the Caucasus
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International RelationsMehdi Hedayati Shahidani 1 * , Mohammad Reza Larti 2
1 - Academic staff, University of Guilan
2 - MAs, Intrnational Relations, University of Guilan
Keywords: Central Asia, Caucasus, threat, Russian Federation, Think Tank, Regionalology,
Abstract :
Threat is defined as an axis role in designing security doctrines. Should threat be considered as a blend of possibility for an event and its negative results, The concept of threat in the mental model of Russian analysts refers to a set of situations that have somehow endangered, harmed, or targeted Russia's short-term and long-term national interests, values, and priorities. In the framework of structural theory, this article explains Russian perceptions of threat and its impact on the concept of environment, especially in Central Asia and the Caucasus. By prioritizing security developments and addressing key threats in this environment, this paper raises the main question of what is the definition, perspective, dimensions and components of Russian governmental and non-governmental think tanks on the two concepts of threat and environment in Central Asia and the Caucasus? The main hypothesis of the article is that governmental and non-governmental think tanks in Russia have defined and developed the concepts of threat and environment in Central Asia and the Caucasus based on their historical experiences, national geography, natural and cultural identity, interests and material priorities. This article has been done by descriptive-analytical method and using library resources (written and electronic).
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