Genealogy of terrorist groups and organizations in the Middle East; A case study of al-Qaeda and ISIS
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International RelationsMostafa Almasi 1 * , Alireza Azghandi 2
1 - Islamic Azad University
2 - Professor & Faculty Member of Political Science Department Islamic Azad University Branch of Science & Research Of Tehran
Keywords: terrorism, ISIS, Middle East, Al-Qaeda, genealogy,
Abstract :
This study seeks to investigate the origin of terrorist groups and organizations. Al-Qaeda and ISIL were selected as the largest study groups in the Middle East as the largest terrorist groups. Since the phenomena studied in the modern world cannot be thought of as sudden and exotic phenomena, this study therefore considers the evolutionary process of these groups and organizations in the context of history. With this attitude, in response to the main research question, what are the root causes of the formation of terrorist groups and organizations in the Middle East? The main hypothesis of this study is that terrorist groups and organizations present in the modern world have a historical and intellectual background that can be studied from the perspective of genealogy. This research has attempted to add credible and diverse sources to the existing literature in this field. This research is a descriptive and analytical one and the method of data collection is documentary and library.
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