Alternative Scenarios of Iran vs. Saudi Arabia’s Regional Coalition-Building among Arab Countries: (2011-2019)
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International Relationsdavoud ahmadzadeh 1 * , Kayhan Barzegar 2 , Hamid hmadi 3 , Asadollah Athari Marian 4
1 - Administrative Director of Institue for Social Science&Revolution
2 - sociate professor of International Relations, Science and Research branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran. Corresponding author;
3 - . Professor of Political Science, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran.
4 - Assistant Professor of International Relations, Takistan branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Saudi Arabia, Arab Countries, : Iran, Scenario Making, Coalition Building,
Abstract :
AbstractCurrent developments in the Middle East indicate a high probability of tension in the region which provided the basis for regional coalitions. In a way that, Saudi Arabia, as one of the major players in the Middle East region and the main competitor of the Islamic Republic of Iran, has sought to increase its regional influence in the major conquest centers. In this regard, the main question of the research is that, what alternative scenarios does Iran face in dealing with Saudi regional coalitions in the years after 2011? Considering Saudi Arabia's regional alliance in the Middle East against Iran, Alternative Scenarios of the Islamic Republic of Iran are at the Micro Level (Yemen Crisis) Consolidation of Ansarollah's Position in the country’s Political System, at the regional level, creating gaps in regional coalitions and at the trans-regional level, the deterioration and reinforcement of Iranian cultural diplomacy. This study is based on future research methodologies and based on the deductive approach and the use of Peter Schwartz's Global Business Network Improvement Model. Keywords: Iran, Saudi Arabia, Scenario Building, Coalition Building, Arab Countries.
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