Analysis of the Corona crisis in the United States with emphasis on the crisis of legitimacy of the Donald Trump administration
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International Relationssayed ghasem zamani 1 * , Ali Mohammaddoust 2
1 - Professor of Public International Law, Allameh Tabataba’i University
2 - PhD Student in General International Law at Allameh Tabataba’i University
Keywords: Crisis, United States, Donald Trump, Keywords: Corona, Legitimacy Crisis,
Abstract :
The main issue in this regard has been Trump's policies and approaches to the fight against and control of the coronavirus on the one hand, and the support of various sections and classes of the American society, including medical, economic, and so on. An issue that did not materialize in practice and led to protests from a wide range of people, giving him a broad functional legitimacy for Trump and the neoconservative administration. In this article, the authors attempt to answer the question: what impact the Corona crisis has had on the functioning and legitimacy of the Trump administration, and what is the possible future for the US socio-political system? The authors' hypothesis in this article indicates the intensification of the Trump administration's crisis of legitimacy during the outbreak of the Coronavirus in this country, and the findings of the article show that the use of written descriptive and analytical methods, the use of written and library resources indicate the possible occurrence of three It will be a major consequence for Trump. First; Defeat in the upcoming US presidential election; Second, the deepening of bipolarity in the United States and, ultimately, the emergence of security crises in the United States
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